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What is Praksis and what type of legal information does it provide?

Praksis is an electronic database of legal acts, court decisions, and translated laws that provides lawyers with reliable and up-to-date legal information. It offers a comprehensive collection of legal documents including original texts, consolidated versions, court decisions, draft laws, EU legislation, and translated laws. Along with many features making your experience as straightforward and enjoyable as possible.

How does Praksis differ from other legal research platforms?

Praksis provides abundant features and benefits that you cannot get from any other database other than ours. We are constantly growing, so don’t be surprised to occasionally see new valuable features being added!

How often is the legal information on Praksis updated?

Be assured that our database is updated multiple times a day to keep our legal information as pristine as possible. There’s no need to worry whether you’re getting outdated legal information with Praksis.

How can I access Praksis and what are the system requirements?

You can access Prakisis from any device, anywhere!

How can I know if your database is right for me?

We offer a 14-Day Free Trial to new clients, no credit cards required. See exactly how our database amassed over 1000+ happy clients yourself!

How can I get help and support if I have questions or encounter technical issues?

You can always write to us on our contact form or send us an email at On the other hand, if you’re dealing with something hands-on, then you can always request a free demonstration to get any questions answered. We are always happy to address any issues!

Is there a cost to use Praksis and what are the subscription options?

Discover the variety of tailor-made plans for both companies and personal usage. There’s no stone left unturned, and there’s no client left unsatisfied with our plans. If there are any specific necessities you might need to be met, then request a free demo and get all your questions answered.